An audio recording of CSS Public Lecture: A Movement Divided: British Socialism Before & During WW1, which took place on the 9th of September 2020. Martin Crick (author of The History of the Social Democratic Federation, 1994) examines the different elements and groupings of British socialism in the period before and during the First World…
Author: canterburysocialists
Recording: Climate and Capitalism
An audio recording of CSS Public Lecture: Climate and Capitalism, which took place on the 11th of February 2020. Canterbury Socialist Society executive members, Mark and Tom, explore the relationship between the capitalist marketplace and the climate, discussing the ways in which the current economic model accelerates the destruction of the natural environment. Click here…
Recording: Socialism and the Early Labour Party
An audio recording of the first annual Canterbury Socialist Society Fred Evan’s Memorial Lecture, which took place on the 13th of November 2019. Guest speaker Quentin Findlay discusses socialist influence on the early Labour Party in New Zealand. Click here to listen.
Recording: State of the Unions
An audio of recording of the CSS panel discussion on “The State of the Unions” that took place on the 9th of October 2019. Click here to listen.
Recording: ¡No pasarán! – The Far Right Today
CONSTITUTION OF THE CANTERBURY SOCIALIST SOCIETY We, the undersigned, declare the founding of the Canterbury Socialist Society on this date 12-09-2018 in Christchurch, New Zealand. I. NAME & SEAL: The name of the society shall be “Canterbury Socialist Society”, and may also be referred to as “Canterbury Socialists”, “Socialist Society” or “CSS”. The Common Seal…
Recording: “An Epoch of Rest” William Morris (1834-96)
On the Founding of the Canterbury Socialist Society
In mid September 2018 the Canterbury Socialist Society was officially founded in Christchurch. A constitution was ratified and an executive board was elected. Those in attendance have prepared the following statement to mark our formation as a Society: As capitalism lurches from crisis to crisis, the gap between rich and poor continues to widen, social…
Recording: “Women, Witches, Work: Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch”
Link to recording