“Marx was not simply the best or most consistent or radical socialist, but rather the most historically, and hence critically, self-aware. By “scientific” socialism, Marx understood himself to be elaborating a form of knowledge aware of its own conditions of possibility.”
– C Cutrone, “Capital in History: The need for a Marxian philosophy of history of the Left”
In anticipation of 1) the CSS AGM in September and 2) the National Conference in Wellington in October, we are hosting this reflective panel and discussion on, well, us!
The Canterbury Socialist Society has existed for some years now and steadily grown in membership and scope of activities. This means that some our origins are a little obscure, but also means that what was once suitable for us as a structure should be looked at with fresh, critical eyes by newer members.
On this panel two founding members (Sionainn and Tom) will be alongside two new(er) members of the Executive Committee (Kyle and James) to bring a few reflections and prompts that will hopefully spur thought and discussion for attendees.
It may be useful for those who come along to listen to this conversation beforehand about the Federation of Socialist Societies (https://thecommonweal.substack.com/…/podcast-the…), and also consider this (draft stage) potted history of the CSS (https://drive.google.com/…/15uNH6…/view…).
The event is open to the public, and free to attend as always. In the interest of hospitality the Society will put on some bowls of chips for attendees. 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start.
Starts On
July 10, 2024 - 6:30 pm
Ends On
8:30 pm
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