“This war…WILL END CAPITALISM! Do you get that? After capitalism, what? SOCIALISM!”
This quote from trade unionist Ted Howard, written in August 1914 reflects the hopes and beliefs of Canterbury socialists at the start of World War One. Based on research for the ‘Voices Against War’ website and her forthcoming book “‘I don’t believe in murder’: standing up for peace in World War I Canterbury”, guest speaker Margaret Lovell-Smith will briefly discuss some of the socialist groups and personalities in Christchurch at the time, and their aspirations for world peace.
The Canterbury Socialist Society are thrilled to host Margaret, and feel this a timely discussion due to the proximity to ANZAC Day. “Lest we forget” is traditionally invoked this time of year, and the CSS believes that the responsibility to remember applies to us about our own movement, too.
Margaret is a local historian and writer with a focus in women’s history, and was the lead researcher for Voices Against War. For further reading, see: http://voicesagainstwar.nz/home
Doors from 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Free, all welcome.