“It is always somewhat perplexing and sometimes shocking to hear, from respected unionists, a lack of concern for the struggle of brothers and sisters outside their own backyards. Such failure to bear faith and allegiance to real solidarity is what lies at the heart of labor’s inability to coalesce into the force that some of our greatest leaders have envisioned. We must come to the realisation that we are all coworkers, brothers and sisters in the struggle with owners.”
—Donald L. Fole
At the Canterbury Socialist Society AGM in 2018 it was decided that we would establish an annual event where we invite unionists to participate in a panel discussion on the conditions, prospects, history and future of organised labour in Aotearoa/New Zealand in order to foster “faith and allegiance to real solidarity”.
We are very pleased to welcome our panelists, more are being confirmed but so far we have:
Danielle Davies – New Zealand Nurses Organisation Organiser, Convenor for Unions Canterbury
Moniqua Reid – First Union Organiser.
All are welcome. Beer, tea, coffee, (and other drinks) and food available to purchase.
Starts On
October 9, 2019 - 7:30 pm
Ends On
10:30 pm
Event Categories
Canterbury, Events, Panel Discussion
Event Tags
First Union, labour movement, NZNO, unions, Unions Canterbury, workplace organising