PLEASE NOTE: Due to the developing situation with COVID-19 and travel restrictions Caleb has needed to return to the United States early. As such this event has been canceled. We regret missing the opportunity to speak with Caleb but are confident attendees understand that these are extraordinary circumstances.
We are privileged to have the opportunity for a bonus event this month by presenting a live interview with Caleb Cain (“Faraday Speaks” on YouTube). The interview will be hosted by Byron Clark and will also be livestreamed. Byron will have a set of questions for Caleb and then we will open it up to questions from attendees.
An extraordinarily timely event considering the anniversary of the March 15th attacks, the question of how to intervene and halt the lure of impressionable people into ideologies of hate, vitriol and violence is a difficult one, and one that the Socialist left may not be best placed to pursue as we are often considered the most dangerous opponents by these same ideologues (a title we wear with pride).
Caleb Cain was a young man travelling down the alt-right pipeline, until he changed his views after discovering a number of left-wing content creators on YouTube and realising after the Christchurch shooting that the shooter held many of the beliefs he was being indoctrinated with. Today Caleb is a YouTuber who works on deradicalisation and raising awareness about how the alt-right lures in young men online.
Byron Clark is a Christchurch based YouTuber who has been making videos on New Zealand’s far-right since the shooting last year. He is a member of the Canterbury Socialist Society.
Further reading here:
Free event, all welcome.
Starts On
March 17, 2020 - 12:00 am
Ends On
12:00 am
Event Categories
Event Tags
alt right, Calen Cain, Canterbury, deradicalisation, far right, YouTube