“Precisely the defeated man must try the outside world again” – Ernst Bloch, The Principle of Hope (1954). It is easier to imagine the end of the world, than the end of capitalism. This phrase has become something of a shibboleth for the contemporary left, a diagnosis of our present condition and a bleak indictment of our…
Category: Interview
How To Read Wars: A Public Conversation with John Dolan
In many ways, the 2020’s seems further away from the ‘end of history’ than the 1920’s. This has led some commentators to characterise our current moment as ‘the end of the end of history’. Indeed, after declining in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, both the number of conflicts and conflict deaths has increased in recent…
Ghosts of the Millennial Left – An Online Seminar w/ C Derick Varn
“There is today in the world a dominant discourse […] This dominating discourse often has the manic, jubilatory, and incantatory form that Freud assigned to the so-called triumphant phase of mourning work. The incantation repeats and ritualizes itself, it holds forth and holds to formulas, like any animistic magic. To the rhythm of a cadenced…
Winter of Discontent: Canterbury Socialist Society Winter Programme May – August 2022
The Canterbury Socialist Society is very excited to announce the schedule for our programme for the next four months (May through August), the “Winter of Discontent“. To celebrate reaching 100 members in the Federation of Socialist Societies we have organised a minimum of 16 free public events over the next four months. These include: public lectures and discussions,…
CANCELLED: CSS Interview With Caleb Cain: Countering the Far-Right
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the developing situation with COVID-19 and travel restrictions Caleb has needed to return to the United States early. As such this event has been canceled. We regret missing the opportunity to speak with Caleb but are confident attendees understand that these are extraordinary circumstances. We are privileged to have the opportunity…