In 2011 a wave of revolution began in Tunisia and then spread across North Africa and the Middle East. In Southern Europe the “indignados” or “indigent ones” camped out in public squares in a round the clock protest against economic inequality. This mode of protest spread to the centre of financial capitalism with Occupy Wall Street, and then to over 2,000 cities around the globe, including Christchurch.
Byron Clark will speak about the social movements that shook the world a decade ago. After that, copies of his book “Occupy Christchurch: In Our Own Words” an oral history of Occupy Christchurch will be available for sale ($20 each).
Byron has been an activist in Christchurch for well over a decade. He has previously run for office as part of a marxist organisation, and has more recently pivoted to producing content on YouTube particularly in documenting the strange world of rightwing YouTubers in Christchurch. He is also a member of Canterbury Socialist Society.
CSS committee member Tom Roud will chair the event.
As always all are welcome and entry is free. Doors from 7pm for a 7.30pm start